Pecan kernals




The pecan tree is a forest tree from North America. It is closely related to the walnut, which can be seen in its overall growth habits and leaves. Its native pecan range is from the entire Mississippi area to Mexico.

The pecan nut is often found in supermarkets, whether in nut mixes, yoghurt or even bakery products.

While the pecan kernel looks somewhat like a walnut, its taste is much sweeter and more delicate. It contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, protein, fibre, vitamin A, calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. Because of these benefits, the pecan nut is suitable for almost everything, from baking to a simple snack.

USA is the main supplier of pecans, with other growing areas in Mexico and Peru. We currently offer pecan halves as well as broken pecan halves for industrial processing.

USA, Mexico


Packaging size:
13.61 KG with poly liner

Intended use:
Snacks, muesli, muesli bars, bakery products, sweets