



The peach is a stone fruit from the rose family and its native country is China. Nowadays, peach trees are cultivated in subtropical and temperate regions. The peach has been a long-time companion of mankind and was first cultivated in China at least 6,000 BC.

The ripe but not yet hardened fruits are halved by hand, pitted and dried on wooden racks in the sun.

For industrial processing, the dried peach halves are washed again, sulphured if necessary and sorted. To soften the fruit, additional sugar is often added to dry peaches. We, however, only offer natural, unsweetened dried peaches that are either unsulphured or sulphured.

China, South Africa

China: March/April;
South Africa: August/September

Pack size:
10.0 or 12.5 KG with poly liner

Intended use:
Muesli, tea