



Apricots have long been a household name. They are versatile and equally rich in vitamins and minerals.  The apricot fruit is said to have originated in Armenia. Similar to other fruits, the apricot was used throughout ancient times – in fresh as well as dried form. The world’s largest cultivation area is the eastern Turkish province of Malatya. Currently, this cultivation area supplies 95% of all dried apricots for the entire European region.

Positive health benefits of apricots are known to include the promotion of bone and tooth development, as well as the strengthening of the liver and heart.

The fresh apricots are first checked for quality before they are processed. The fruit is then washed in a bath to remove any impurities. This is followed by sorting by size to ensure uniform grading. The apricots are then sun-dried to the desired water content. If necessary, sulphur can also be added. This serves as an antioxidant. This gives the dried apricots an attractive bright yellow/orange colour. After reaching the water content, the goods are detected for metal, glass, plastic and other hazardous substances. Only then does the apricot find its way into our boxes.



Harvest time:
August – September

Packaging size:
Boxes with poly liner bag 10 to 15 kg

Intended use:
Muesli, muesli bars, porridge, snacks, bakery products